Thursday, May 26, 2011

Himalayan Blue Poppies

It has been a extremely busy spring, but finally it started to slow down. I have been working 6 days, sometimes 7 days a week! At least I enjoy what I do, so it wasn't like a torture for me. Just the physical exhaustion. Anyhow, it has been really cold this spring so that we are approximately three weeks behind the normal blooming time. If you happen to visit the garden in the next few weeks, you MUST check out our Meconopsis Meadow. The blue petals are just unbelievably beautiful. This is the plant I fell in love with when I did my internship in Scotland in 2008.
I even brought back the seeds to AR, but there was no way they would have survived the hot summer in AR. They like cool summer.

I was walking through the nursery today and realized a robin was loudly making noise at me. Surely enough, I found there eggs in their nest on Rhododendron falconeri branch. These eggs were so little and so warm. I can't wait to see them hatch!



Saturday, May 21, 2011

D&D @ D20 Games

Once or twice a month, I meet with a group of people to play through an adventure called Tomb of Horrors.  It puts our D&D skills to the test.  We have lots of fun while we are at it.  Last Sunday we met up for another session.  The store was filled with groups of people playing games.  It was a pretty fun Sunday.

Sunday, May 15, 2011





Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Been Sunny Out

The weather here has been nice for a few days.  We get to see sun light, and blue sky.  I almost forgot what those things looked like.  Atsuko is enjoying herself at the conference in Vancouver, WA (not Canada).  She'll be home late tomorrow night.  Until then, it is just me and the dog.  The dog spend most of the day on the couch, but I've been getting here up and walking every few hours.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's Nice To Be Done With Midterms

I actually only had one midterm, but I spent quite a bit of time on it.  I probably spent 4 hours working on the take home essay and another 10 to 15 hours studying with the other grad-students in class.  I'm crossing my fingers that I got a good grade.  To reward myself, I went and play in a Magic The Gathering tournament Saturday night.  Today, I volunteered for a few hours at the Rhody Garden then came home and read for this week.  Class work never ends!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Like Having A Friend That Can Paint

I play Dungeons and Dragons with a guy that really knows how to paint.  A few weeks back, the character I was playing died.  I wanted to play something really different.  Before, my character was human.  Now, I am playing a Thri Kreen, a humanoid-insect.  I bought a pewter mini and asked the guy to paint it for me.  This is what the finished product looks like.  It's really neat!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Hate Computers

After a few days of dealing with slow load times and random crashes, I finally decided to look into what was going on with our desktop PC.  I checked the RAM, it was fine and that's good cause I just bought it.  Nothing was overheating so I guessed the CPU was okay.  Then I noticed the little red hard drive light on the case would start until about 10 or so seconds after we tried to access something and when it did the computer froze.  It was the hard drive.

I bought a new one of Friday and spent most of the morning installing the part, then Windows 7, and after that updates.  At least I was able to read for class in between the computer needing my attention.  Luckily that night I was able to get all our information off the old drive.  I'm going to do a wipe of it and take it to a recycling center at some point.  The computer works great again, and we now have twice the storage on it and a faster drive in it.

I'm guessing the next thing to go will be a fan or two.  Those are easy to replace and I am fine with that.  I just hope nothing else really breaks... knock on wood!