Friday, March 12, 2010

Allergy season has come!

As Wil wrote on the previous post, it is getting warmer in Arkansas.  Plants are started to grow back again and some flowers are already blooming.  I am sure many people suffer this time of the year because of one reason...Allergies.  Fortunately, I do not have hay fever, but I developed a different kind of allergy this month. Tuned out, I have a latex allergy.

I work in the plant pathology laboratory almost everyday.  I have been performing  molecular techniques, such as extracting DNA and running a gel, and conducting PCR. Of course, sterile technique is critical for ding those things, so I wear latex gloves everyday.

About three weeks ago, I noticed the irritation on my hands. My hands were extremely itchy. I thought it was chiggers at first, but the irritation did not seem to go away. I doubted that it was causing from latex because it has been almost a year since I started using latex gloves. Anyhow, finally I went to the doctor and got steroid cream to apply on my hands. My boss ordered non-latex gloves for me and after three days, my hands are not itchy anymore. Never know when your beaker gets filled in your body!!

前のポストにウィルが書いたように、アーカンソーは日に日に暖かくなっています。植物が育ち始め、いくつかの花も既に咲き始めました。アレルギーのせいでこの季節を嫌う人も大勢いることでしょう。ラッキーなことに、私は花粉症がありません。でも、今月違うタイプのアレルギーが発覚しました。。。それは、レーテックスアレルギー。 (レーテックスとは、ゴムの種類)



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