Monday, May 14, 2012

Pink Lady's Slipper Orchid

Cypripedium acaule

This is one of the plants that I saw in North Carolina. This Pink Lady's Slipper Orchid was at the Bildmore Estate Garden. I was on the tour with the horticulturist and he took us off the trail to see this special patch of wild flower. This is a pretty common wild flower, but it's very beautiful.

Yellow lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus parviflorum) is also native to Appalachian Mountains, but unfortunately I was not able to see that in wild.
Other plant that I was very excited to see was Trillium grandiflorum, Large-flowered Trillium. The very last day we were there, we took a drive to north of Asheville on Blue Ridge Parkway before we had to head to the airport. On the way to the airport, I spotted this patch of Trillium and I had to pull over! We actually sell this plant at the RSBG nursery, so it was interesting to see this plant in wild. I was absolutely gorgeous! believe or not, this pure   white flower turns or pink or rose color before it fades.

Trillium grandiflorum



見れて良かったもう1つの野草は、エンレイソウ!シアトルに帰る日、午前中時間があったのでBlue Ridge Parkwayをアッシュビルの北のほうへドライブしてたら、トリリウムが目に留まって車を止めました。坂一面に白い花は咲いてて、とっても綺麗でしたー!実はこの植物、職場のナーセリーで販売してるので、野生で育ってる姿を見れて良かったです。この白い花、しおれる頃にはピンク色に変わります。ウッドランドガーデンに最適な植物です。

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