Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Best hand cream Ever!

This is the best hand cream I have ever used! It's a bit expensive, but it works very well for my hands. I use hand cream every day because of my job. I work with soil and water a lot, so as a result, my hands get rough. I use this hand cream at night before I go to sleep and I notice the difference the next morning. I'm using a small sample package right not, but I must get some more of this soon! I also use their lip products. They are the best!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ypsilandra thibetica

This interesting looking plant belongs to Lily family. Native to China, this beautiful evergreen woodland lily bears spikes of white flowers with blue anthers. It's fragrant too!  This plant was introduced into cultivation by the RSBG. It's blooming in the garden now.

この奇妙な植物は、ユリ科に属します。ウッドランドにぴったりなこの常緑ユリは、白い花に青い雄しべという、珍しい外見。中国の山に野生で生息してます。私の働くガーデンがアメリカに初めて持って帰ってきて栽培し始めました。今ガーデンで咲いてます!(学名の読み方は、イプシランドラ チベティカ)


Friday, February 24, 2012

Rhododendron stenophyllum

People usually ask me if this plant is really a rhododendron. The answer is, 'Yes, it is.' The third of genus rhododendron is classify as vireya, which is tropical rhododendrons. What that means is, vireyas are not hardy, so they need protected environment during winter season. R. stenophyllum is fairly easy-to-grow vireya. They are just started to bloom in the Rutherford Conservatory at the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden. It's mind blowing to see this many cute orange bells in bloom!

来るお客さんに、これが本当にシャクナゲかいつも聞かれます。答えは、そう、これもシャクナゲです!3分の1のシャクナゲ属は、ビレアといって、熱帯シャクナゲのグループに属してます。というのは、冬にはグリーンハウスに入れて寒さを避けないと育てられない、ということ。このR. スティノフィラムは比較的育てやすいシャクナゲです。(ビレアは、育てるのが難しいと言われている)ちょうど職場のグリーンハウスで咲き始めました。この可愛らしいオレンジ色のベルが一斉に咲いてるのを見れるのは、世界でここだけです!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rhododendron moupinense

R. moupinense

One of the first rhododendrons to bloom at the RSBG. Pink variety always blooms later than the white one. Love this delicate flowers!


Cinnamon Rolls


I baked cinnamon rolls last weekend. I made dough in  my bread machine, so it was very easy to make. It makes a wonderful breakfast! Recipe is here. I would definitely make this again!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Darma and I


Monday, February 13, 2012

Teriyaki Chicken Pizza

I made Teriyaki Chicken Pizza last Sunday. It was very good! Darma says "where is mine?"


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2012 Northwest Flower and Garden Show



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Walk on the beach

Last Saturday, we went to Golden Gardens Park in Ballard neighborhood with Darma. It was rainy day, but we were fortunate that it didn't rain while we were walking on the beach. It was very windy and chilly, but we had a really good walk! I love going to beach parks. Darma enjoyed very much too. She was asleep on the way back in the car.


After the ice storm, we have been cleaning up the garden for more than a week now. Majority of the garden is temporarily closed now because it's too dangerous for public to walk around. The main reason we are closed now is the broken branches hanging from the trees. We call those 'widowmakers.' The arborist will come in  next week, and after that, we should be able to open up the garden again. I have been sleeping really nice to have a job that can keep you in shape!


Daddy, drive safe, okay!
 At work, it feels like spring is gradually getting here. We started shipping plants for spring distribution. Next week is the Northwest Flower and Garden Show (we have a booth there). Plant sales starts in March. I just looked at my work calender today and realized all my weekends in April and May are booked already. I am so ready to get busy!


PS: Update about Piper! She is back home with her family now. Her tail had to be amputated, but doctor thinks the paralysis is temporary!