Wednesday, May 26, 2010

War Eagle Mill

Wil and I drove to War Eagle Mill this morning. I believe War Eagle Mill is the only working mill of its kind in the United States.  We like to go there for the gorgeous drive and the little shop at the mill. They have jams, baking mixes, and crafts for sale. I usually bring their jams for souvenirs when I visit Japan. When my parents came, they bought a lot of jams for souvenirs as well.

I made lunch and packed it so we can have picnic at the mill, but it was already too hot...we ended up eating it at Wil's parents' house. (BTW, I made Inarizushi for lunch!  They were yummy.)

Tonight, we are planning to go to a Mexican restaurant with friends.  We have few more nights free before we move so this might be the last chance to see them.  Can't wait for the margarita!!

今朝、ウィルとWar Eagle Millへドライブしてきました。アメリカで唯一、穀物を砕くのに今でも使われている水車です。そこによく行く理由は、ドライブの景色が綺麗だからと、そこの小さなお店に行くため。お店では、ジャムやそこで挽いた粉類、あとクラフトなど売ってます。日本に帰るときは、ここのジャムをお土産にすることが多いです。両親も、ここでたくさんジャムを買ってました。




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